Sylvain Carette

I've studied at the Conservatoire de musique de Montreal from '81 to '89 in writing techniques and electroacoustic music and I'm autodidact in computer graphic design, 3D modelling and computer programming. Last year, I've done a residency in Banff for an "acoustic rendering" project. This was a two months residency in which I discovered VRML. VRML was the ideal base on which acoustic rendering could be built so I've done a long self directed residency following the first one. The goal was to build some extensions to vrml that could implement sounds and behaviours into VRML and the results would have been showcased in an "Internet concert". An extension that embed soundfile and send position information (to control the volume and panning of the sound) was produced. Since then, VRML 2.0 have been released and it include support for sounds and behaviours but the good news is that it implement sound using almost the same parameters in the data structure than my extension and that there is no provision yet for rendering parameters so there is space for extensions (VRML 3.0 ???). I'm working actually for the ACREQ (Association pour la creation et la recherche electroacoustiques du Quebec) designing a web site with custom made Java applets for them in collaboration with the communication department of UQAM (Universite du Quebec, Montreal). The "Internet concert" will take place there since it is closely related to the ACREQ 2mandate. It will be a site that contain stand alone, self-living sound objects that can interact with each others and the user(s). For this residency, I'll work with Ahasiw Maskegon Iskew in the implementation of a fuzzy controlled navigation tool and medias integration for his web based project. Nicotine been part of the chemical balance in my body for more than 25 years, I'm a heavy, compulsive smoker and I feel very conformable with that. Others projects: maybe I should put out "The Banff Centre Squatter Survival Guide" on the web for those who may need it....